артбук Наречена, Ковчег "Україна"

The Ukrainian Bride

Children's art book The Ukrainian Bride is a journey into the world of traditional wedding costume. 

Is it possible to be a queen in a homespun shirt? We present the rich variety of Ukrainian traditional attire from different regions of Ukraine and teach to value and distinguish them. And perhaps one day a girl will decide to become a queen in a homespun shirt.  

This project was created together with the Ivan Honchar National Museum, based on its museum collection, as well as the collections of famous Ukrainian antique collectors such as Roksoliana Shymchuk, Ulyana Yavna, Viktor Yushchenko, and the Adenchyk-Badenchyk children's clothing workshop. The art book was created by Yaryna Vynnytska and Yulia Tabenska.

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